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Table 4 Barriers to participation cited by decliners

From: Reasons for participation and non-participation in a diabetes prevention trial among women with prior gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)

Barrier category


Number of times cited (and percentage of respondents who cited barrier)

Travel distance/Transport

Distance to location of intervention; travel expense; lack of transportation

80 (51%)

Child care commitments

Cannot leave children; do not want to leave children; children too young to leave; lack of childcare; leisure time dedicated to children/family activities

52 (33%)

Lack of time/Too busy

Lack of time to commit to the programme; time commitment required too great; unable to commit to specific times; own and partners’ work schedules; child’s school and activity schedule

48 (31%)

Research and intervention deterrents

Research fatigue; discomfort with test procedures; programme times/content

26 (17%)

Not concerned about diabetes risks

Given the all clear on post-partum tests, therefore not concerned about risks

23 (15%)

Lack of social support

Lack of a network of friends or family to provide practical or emotional support

9 (6%)

Already taking action on own

Does not need this programme as taking action on her own

8 (3%)

Health too poor to participate

Acute health problems take precedence over chronic health problems

3 (2%)

Other reasons

Planning a pregnancy; caring for parents; learning English; currently living abroad

6 (4%)

No reason given

Not interested in participating

4 (3%)