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Table 4 Maximum variation sampling

From: The use of purposeful sampling in a qualitative evidence synthesis: A worked example on sexual adjustment to a cancer trajectory


Walker ( 2011) + Hanly (2014)

Gilbert (2010) + Fergus (2002)

Juraskova (2003) + Hartman (2014)


Having a sense of loss


Anger, depression

Grieving about sexual changes

Altered body image


Identity struggle

Sexual changes as biographical disruption

Reduced vaginal lubrication


loss of libido

Sexual dysfunctions

Exacerbation of struggling

Avoiding communication about the sexual changes


Minimization of side effects

Denial as one of the grief stages

Sticking to a coital imperative


Flaunting sexual prowess despite erectile function

Following hegemonic discourses of sexuality

Receiving radiotherapy combined with external radiation and brachytherapy


unpredictability of the side-effects

Characteristics of the cancer treatment

Sexual adjustment

Accepting the decision to stop sexuality


Accepting sexual changes

Acceptance of sexual changes

Renegociating the practices of sexual intimacy


Redefinition of what sexuality means

Sexual rediscovery

Sexual adjustment and quality of life


Using Viagra leads to sex similar to before cancer

Sexual recovery

Line of arguments

= Sexual adjustment as a grieving process

= Sexual adjustment as a cognitive restructuring process

= Sexual adjustment as a rehabilitation process

  1. Note 1: The discursive parts are the concepts coming from the included papers as a result of maximum variation sampling
  2. Note 2: The bold parts are new findings resulting from maximum variation sampling