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Table 2 Example of descriptive data extraction sheet

From: The use of purposeful sampling in a qualitative evidence synthesis: A worked example on sexual adjustment to a cancer trajectory


Walker (2012)

Data collection

Interviews together as a couple, unstructured interviews


Grounded theory methodology

Research question/ goal

To present the struggles that these couples faced when trying to adapt sexually to the side effects of prostate cancer treatment

Sample characteristics (Age, sex)

18 heterosexual couples

(m 47-83 years)

(f 32 -82 years)

Age patients: 65,4 y

Age partners: 61 y

Ethnicity: Euro-canadian or American heritage, 1 who was Afro-American

Type of cancer treatment: Prostate cancer, all undergoing Adrogen Deprivation Therapy


an uncomfortable feeling about masturbation the avoidance of the topic of sexuality by the partners the more romantic husband ….

Main theoretical arguments

Whether couples choose to maintain sexual activity or cease engaging in sexual activity, they BOTH encounter a variety of struggles and for both choices, these struggles can be successfully overcome