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Table 2 Comparison of Regression, IPTW, and 2SLS under Unobserved Confounding

From: Frameworks for estimating causal effects in observational settings: comparing confounder adjustment and instrumental variables






Hold constant variables \(\leftrightarrow\) Block paths on DAG

Balance groups via overweighting “rare” individuals \(\leftrightarrow\) Eliminate arrows in DAG via independence

Identify treatment from variation independent from unobserved confounding \(\leftrightarrow\) Create a new DAG with no backdoor paths for treatment

Consistency Assumptions


\(\bullet\) SUTVA

\(\bullet\) SUTVA

\(\bullet\) SUTVA


\(\bullet\) No unmeasured confounders

\(\bullet\) No unmeasured confounders

\(\bullet\) IVs are predictive of treatment assignment


\(\bullet\) Positivity

\(\bullet\) Positivity and No Near-Violations

\(\bullet\) IVs are as good as randomized


\(\bullet\) Does not directly affect outcome


\(\bullet\) (For ATE) no treatment effect heterogeneity


\(\bullet\) (For LATE) monotonicity



\(\bullet\) Inconsistency amplification with inclusion of IVs

\(\bullet\) Inconsistency amplification with inclusion of IVs

\(\bullet\) Inefficiency compared to confounder methods


\(\bullet\) Treatment effect heterogeneity: conditional effect \(\ne\) marginal effect

\(\bullet\) Fitting propensity score model mistaken for prediction task

\(\bullet\) Validity possibly contingent on unobserved confounders


\(\bullet\) With higher dimensionality, difficult to interpret positivity violations

\(\bullet\) Treatment effect heterogeneity: LATE \(\ne\) ATE


\(\bullet\) Balancing on observed confounders does not imply balance on unobserved confounders

\(\bullet\) LATE difficult to interpret for many IVs, weak IVs, and inclusion of covariates


\(\bullet\) Treatment effect heterogeneity: estimates marginal effect

\(\bullet\) Weak IVs: increased finite bias and increased sensitivity to validity violations